Rylan Pearce
AGF Rating




No Gi > Kids > White > Pre Teen > Light I ( up to 95 lbs )> Boy

Division: 1547689 Staged: 09:30:00 Mat: 9
Win Points VS Jayce Yoshimura Match: 3

AGF Rating Change + 0.000

Win Points VS Valance Rigby Match: 6

AGF Rating Change + 0.000

Win Points VS Augustine McKinley Match: 7

AGF Rating Change + 0.000

9 Team Points

GI > Kids > White > Pre Teen > Light I ( up to 95 lbs )> Boy

Division: 1547671 Staged: 12:30:00 Mat: 3
Win Points VS Eli Stark Match: 3

AGF Rating Change + 0.000

Win Submission VS Rowen Nagy Match: 6

AGF Rating Change + 0.000

Win Points VS Jayce Yoshimura Match: 7

AGF Rating Change + 0.000

9 Team Points